Start-up Tools
- Start-ups are always short on time: here are some tools that can save you time and avoid reinventing the wheel.
- This list is focused on technical tools to save development time.
- List of Contributors
- Other ListsOfStartupTools
- Startup Tools is sponsored by the Bootstrappers Breakfast. Here is a list of January 2025 events for bootstrappers. We offer online and face to face Bootstrappers Breakfasts® events for "entrepreneurs who eat problems for breakfast.”®
Legitimate tool contributions are welcome, no spam please. Please do not create a new category where your tool is the only tool. This is not an "announce my new startup page"; any tools listed should be in production use at startups. We reserve the right to delete any items contributed that are spam, landing pages, or otherwise do not appear to have startups as satisfied users.
Bugs & Issue Tracking
- Open Source
- Commercial
- Rails Specific
Image manipulation
Presentation tools
Login System
Social functionality
Affiliate & Referral Programs
Servers / VPS / Hosting
Electronic Signature (eSign) Services
Hiring / Recruitment
Financial Managment and Accounting, Taxes, and Payroll
Invoicing & Payments
Credit Card Processing
Subscription Payments / Management / Billing
Managing APIs
Web frameworks
Sharing & storing files
Image Galleries
Customer Relationship Management
Feedback and FAQ
Test- and Behavior-Driven Development
Continuous Integration - Continuous Delivery
Collaboration Platform
Technical Contractor Management
Code Hosting and Version Control
- Aptana Cloud (svn, IDE, php, java, rails etc...)
- assembla (svn, git, mercurial + trac)
- bitbucket
- Clinker - Software Development Ecosystem (svn, git, nexus, sonar, trac, redmine, jenkins, alfresco, SSO)
- CloudForge (Formerly CVSDude/Codesion) (svn, git, cvs, trac, bugzilla, TeamForge, DAV)
- Codebase (hosted git/svn/hg, ticketing, wiki, etc.)
- code spaces (svn)
- github (git only)
- Indefero (git/svn/hg, ticketing, etc.)
- launchpad (bzr only, also only open source projects)
- Patch-tag (Darcs)
- PhpStorm (php IDE)
- ProjectLocker
- Unfuddle (hosted svn/git, ticketing, etc.)
- Upsource (code review)
- Versionshelf (svn, mercurial)
Social Media Tracking/Marketing
Browser Compatibility / Cross-Browser Testing tools
Screenshot/screencast tools
Cloud Infrastructure
Loading Animations
Private beta / launch pages / landing pages
- Private Beta
- Landing Pages
E-Mail to/from Postal Mail
Ad Serving Technology
Project Management tools
Time Management Software / ToDo Lists
Customer Support Tools
Mockups/Wireframes/UX Prototypes
Realtime push - data and task sync across services
iPhone/iPad Development
- AppAnnie - Download analytics: reviews, stats, and ratings from stores in all countries
- TestFlight - adhoc builds / manage beta testers
- Contentful - content management platform for web & mobile apps
Physical Workspace / Meeting Rooms
Online meeting platform / Web conference tools (See also )
Startup Tools is sponsored by the Bootstrappers Breakfast.
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